Wednesday, March 31, 2010

"Mooosley's Money"

Remember last week's mini give away? Mooosley won a $10 gift card to Meijer! Mooosley, however, lives in New York... where she does not have access to a Meijer grocery store, so she asked if I would spend the gift card (wisely) in her honor and for the benefit of a local food pantry! Mooosley will also be setting aside $10 to purchase goods for a food pantry in her neighborhood!

Mooosley, thank you for having such a BIG heart and allowing me to be your shopper!

I began spending the $10 today, here is what I purchased.

Spent: $2.74
Saved: $4.40
Earned: $1.50 (Catalina)
Left to spend: $8.76

I planned my purchase wisely (except I forgot one BOGO coupon at home, so I'll have to visit the Customer Service desk and "reverse coupon" at my next visit... hey, I'll get back $1.19, upping my spending to $9.95... my original plan) bringing manufacturer coupons, Meijer store coupons and making a purchase that will give me money money back after I have paid... the TRIFECTA of coupon spending!

If you've been reading my blog for awhile, you may remember the $20 gift card that I received last Mother's Day from my Grandma (in-law... but nobody ever really says that right? A Grandma is a Grandma!!!).

Check out how I spent my twenty at Targie: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here!

WOW! That was fun, and I'm totally ready to do it again!!!

FYI: If YOU are looking for a Donation Location in your area, visit to find local listings for your zip code!



Congratulations to both you and Mooosely for such a generous, great idea.

Laura Webber

Hehe, thanks, but I can't take credit, it was ALL Mooosely's idea!


Wow Absolutely amazing!! You ROCK!!!


Looking back through your target purchases was so inspiring...and just plain fun:) Thanks for sharing!

Laura Webber

Yep, it was a fun stroll down memory lane for me too!


Laura I just wanted to let you know that when I was at the Northville Meijers the customer service worker told me that all Meijers were going to stop the reverse coupon thing. She said if you forgot to scan a coupon you have to go right after your purchase so they can now match it with the machine.... Just thought I would give you a heads up... (hopefully that worker was confused):O)


Laura Webber

Interesting, and a bummer if its true! Thanks for the heads up!