Target Gift Card Challenge Update:
Previously I had posted about a Target gift card challenge (by my husband's grandma) to see how much I could purchase for $20.
Previously I had purchased $56.98 worth of products for $10.50, but I will receive $10 in rebates...
This Target visit, I purchased $52.37 worth of products for $3.29, but I will receive $2.09 in rebates.
Grand Total: $109.35 in products...
I have spent $13.79 of my gift card...
I will receive $12.09 back in rebates...
Grand total of "spent" money is $1.70
(I will add back in my rebate money since it will come back into my pocket!)
Hey Laura - curious if you tried the buy one ritz get one wheat thin coupon. I haven't made it over there to try yet...Sarah
YES! Use that cupon plus $1 Ritz manufaturer (The BOGO is for the Wheat Thins) AND Target has $1 off Ritz and $1/2 Wheat Thins... sweet deal... $.75 for a box of Ritz & a box of Wheat Thins!
Laura- Did you have trouble at the 9Mile Target w/ the Bliss bars? The cashier and 'manager' had issues w/ me and my 8 coupons the other day... I think they were just ticked that I got $100 worth of stuff for $30 including!
Nope, no problems... but I have a reputation for calling corporate :)
I had an issue at the 16 Mile & Dequindre store the other day with the trial size deodorant and sunscreen. They flat out refused to honor the coupons. I asked for a mananger; the lady standing next to the cashier said "I AM the manager; and we cannot accept those coupons!" I called corporate when I got home. They assured me that the store should have accepted the coupons, and that my complaint would be forwarded to the store. I thought it was interesting that they said, "feel free to call us next time from the store." I never would have thought of that.
Target knows that their employee's don't follow the rules... crazy huh?
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