Monday, July 27, 2009

Target Gift Card Challenge Update:

I'm winding down the last few remaining dollars on my Mother's Day gift card and challenge. I received a $20 Target gift card and a challenge to at least double the cards' spending potential...

Item Total: $39.02
Spent: $2.02 & Saved: $37.00
37 coupons spent
21 FREE items

To date I have now spent $16.33 and I have been able to purchase $348.54 worth of goodies.

Hmmm, I wonder what can be purchased with the remaining $3.67!!!


Mom to Alexa, Elyse and *Audrey*

Amazing! What are those Tide products? I haven't heard about that deal yet!

Laura Webber

Tide single use... they are a P&G coupon!


That is just crazy how you can do this.. I can't wait to take your class so i can find out how~