Thank you for participating in the Sharpen Your Scissors End of the Year Celebration!
I supremely enjoyed all 800-ish comments- I really LOVED hearing your thoughts!
I will take the next few weeks to answer some of your questions and requests! I'm really looking forward to responding!
I have to say, above all else, I was surprised and tickled by the out-pouring of love for the Homemade Chicken Stock tutorial... I have to admit that I sheepishly began Tutorial Tuesday with the Chicken Stock tutorial wondering if my readers would think that I was a little bit crazy- but that post turned out to be the inaugural step in creating the recipe blog for all of the Sharpen Your Scissors recipes (and more!)
Please check out and let me know what YOU think!
I totally dig the clipandcook blog!!!!! Woot, woot!! You make everything seem so easy!
I think it's awesome that you have your recipes all in one spot!! I hope you plan on adding more.
Thanks- 2010 is my year for becoming more organized!
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