The occasional clump of dirt under my fingernails has paid off... my garden looking good!

I wish that I had transplanted my strawberries earlier in the season before they bloomed. The berries are slow to ripen, but delicious. I have been picking and pureeing the berries and sticking them in my freezer until I collect enough to make strawberry jam! Mmm!

I have 15 tomato plants with 5 more plants that magically appeared in last years growing spot! I LOVE surprise plants! 20 tomato plants in 5 varieties: Beefsteak, Big Boy, Roma, Yellow pear and Juliet! Mmm, I'm salivating!

I hope to have a bumper crop of cuccumbers too!

This celery will be perfect to freeze and use to make Chicken Noodle soup all winter!

I'm pretty geeked about my rows of corn! My Dad was an advid vegetable gardener when I was growing up... planting and growing and even picking fresh corn with my Dad is one of my best childhood memories!

Boaz will have his pick of the litter with the 3 pumpkin plants we are growing!

I decided that it would be cool to try and grow some baby watermelons...
Dave LOVES peppers so I am growing 4 varieties, Bell, Habanero hot peppers, Jupiter and Sweet. I planted the rows alphabetically so I could remember!

I planted beans in two different locations- I can't wait until they begin climbing!

My lettuce is still growing strong, I have three varieties: Spinich, Spring Mix, and a leafy Head Lettuce (not ice berg!) I'm dying for a home grown salad!

Baby Head Lettuce! These little guys will need to be transplanted to the grown when they get a little bit bigger.

And my collection of Summer Squash and Zucchini plants. Not pictured are my cilantro and basil plans and my sole broccoli plant.
Gardening really has been so much fun- I wish that I would have started years ago!
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