Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Coupon Classes

I have been reflecting recently on how amazing a journey I have been on since I began formally teaching coupon classes this past January. Words cannot express the joy that I receive from hearing story after story of lives changing- especially in this economy. I have loved meeting, teaching, receiving emails and even shopping alongside many of you, thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life!

Sharpen Your Scissors has really become a hot spot to share with family, friends, neighbors and co-workers, thank you so much for spreading the word! I sometimes am overwhelmed by the number of people who are interested in attending and/or hosting classes. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am passionate about teaching, and I am honored to bring hope to those who are financially struggling. Coupons, funny as is sounds, are changing lives, in our families, in our community food banks through donations made by many of you, and around the globe with SYS class fee raising funds to bring potable water to some of the poorest villages in Haiti through Raincatchers (

With the overwhelming interest in learning to shop with coupons, I am trying to meet every opportunity to teach, but I am doing so in a less than efficient manner. I would like to begin teaching larger classes, possibly in churches, community centers or libraries.

Larger classes in non- home locations would allow classes to be extended to a greater number of people in two ways: 1. many SYS readers would love to attend a class without hosting, but I feel unable to invite additional guests into my host homes, and 2. classes would not need to be limited to in home seating space.

I would love to be able to reach a community, like Farmington Hills for example, by offering a larger location site and inviting SYS readers through my blog. I have currently taught 6 classes in Farmington Hills- which is awesome, but very time invasive on my end. For each class I spend a minimum of 5 hours collecting/printing the class supplies, driving and teaching. If I could teach larger groups of people less frequently (currently I teach 2-4 times per week) I hopefully would be able to reach the same number of people who are interested in pursuing a coupon education, plus possibly reaching even more families.

All of this to say that I would really appreciate any feedback or suggestions on how to continue reaching more families without me spending so many evenings and weekends away from my family.



Laura- I would suggest looking at 'renting' a classroom in the Maxfield Training Center in downtown Farmington. You could easily get 30+ people in one of their rooms (they have rooms that fit 100 too) You may have to pay a rental fee since you will actually be making money using their facility but if you could do 3 classes in 1 time that would eliminte 10 hours of work! And remember time is money!


Sorry to continue... Church groups would also have the space and give people the support system to continue using coupons and sharing.

PS The Farmington Area Moms Club would love to have you as a member - have you thought anymore about joining?


Have you considered teaching your class through Farmington Community Education, or maybe the Costick Center? This way, you not only get exposure and advertising in your blog, but through the venue as well.

How about starting a class in a local church and doing it once a month to start, to see if you can attract enough interest to make it a monthly class?

Have you considered hiring an assistant to help you disassemble all of those newspapers and help you put together the packets for your students?

Ditto Lisa's question about know, we have lots of FREE events to attend! :-)

How are your worm bin plans coming along? :-)

Laura Webber

I am hoping to scale back the drive/teach/out of the house time by condensing classes, and I am LOVING the suggestions I am receiving here and through emails! Thanks so much! I am going to pursue community centers in areas where my classes have been most well received, and hopefully in some area churches as well. I just feel like I am dancing with burn-out and i want to prevent that!

I plan on joining the Farmington Area Mom's Club in the fall... after I get myself organized! I can't wait!

PS: I love worm farming!