Another Success Story!!!
From an email...
Coupon Clipper: I scored big at Walgreen's with the Huggies. Here's what I got.....and like you, I heart math. :D
6 jumbo packs of diapers + 3 jumbo packs of wipes = $78
coupons used: 9
coupon value: $39
R.R. earned: $30
Total Savings: $69 + Caregivers Marketplace of $6.78
Total Cost=$2.25
Oh....and I don't know if the cashier was right or not, so I didn't push it, but that $1 off coupon from the activity book says that it can't be used with any other offer, so I couldn't use it. Is that true? Or, is he wrong?
Me: Awesome job saving!!! I used that same activity book coupon with no problem! I'm surprised! Since it was a Walgreen's coupon it should not have been a problem!
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