Saturday, January 31, 2009

Rolling Your Bucks

I think that it would be a good idea for me to show an example of ROLLING store rewards.

Today I went to CVS to purchase some Gillette shampoo for Dave. Dave doesn't like using girly shampoo like Garnier...

I picked up two bottles and brought them to the cashier. I had (2) $2 coupons (one for each bottle) and $5.98 in Extra Care Bucks (ECB's).

The sale was for $1 off the regular price (normally $5.99, this week $4.99) AND if you purchased the product at $4.99 you would receive $3 in ECB's.

I gave a $2 coupon towards each bottle of shampoo- so I brought my cost from $4.99 down to $2.99 each.

I paid with previously earned ECB's ($5.98) and having half of my previous ECB's going towards each bottle, $2.99 was taken off of my bill. I was left with $0.00 balance. I did need to pay the tax on Dave's shampoo, but I used a gift card that I had earned by transferring a prescription.

Below are the ECB's that I earned from buying today's shampoo, $3 per bottle.

COUPON LADY SNIPPET: I paid (including using coupons) for my items with store money that earned me MORE store money. Essentially I received my items for FREE (except for the tax) and I now have store money to use for my next purchase. I like to call this rinse and repeat!!!



I am reminded reading this post how FRUSTRATED I was last week trying to find Gillette products! I went to several CVS's and never found it. I know, I should do rain checks but it seems like such a hassle. And if you get a rain check, do you get the ECBs or just the sale price when you cash in the rain check?

Laura Webber

CVS now will print out the ECB's along with giving you the sale price! Yay!