Sunday Survey
I feel like I "earn" my keep (...wink) by spending coupons instead of our hard earned cash-ola! I take my "job" pretty seriously, since my family and our spending reap the amazing rewards!
I think that there three types of coupon spenders:
1. The Coupon Addict. (Um, yes, I've been there!) Saving can be an amazing rush, but compulsively spending coupons takes a TON of time!
2. The "Hard Core" Coupon Spender. Saving funds on items that your family's everyday consumables, is high on the list of your priorities. If you'll be buying, you might as well be saving!
3. The Convenience Coupon Spender. If its an easy save (like a peelie or a blinkie coupon is nearby) you'll take it! Otherwise, life gets in the way of your coupon spending!
Full time or part time? How do YOU spend coupons?
I am totally an addict!!! Unfortunately, since watching Food Inc, we are now switching over to organic, and there are barely any organic coupons. So I can only do so much with these. :( But atleast I can use a lot of the toiletry ones. And whatever else I have, donate.
I am hard core for sure. I put a lot of work into couponing. At this point a really consider it a part time job, it takes a few hours a week to research, organize and shop. I do become an addict when something we use regularly is on sale, I will stock up as much as I can! I really enjoy it, I love saving money and finding deals. I have found that couponing has changed the way I think about spending on everything, I am always looks for deals and ways to save!
I do qualify as hard core.
Another range is kindergarten - grade school - high school - college level.
I'd probably qualify as college level. But some of you girls hold graduate degrees! : )
I'm working on coming down from the "honeymoon high" with couponing. It's taken a couple months to stockpile and feel comfortable with only buying a few deals each week. Now, I am buying only what I know my family will use. If I consistently buy something just becaus I can get it for a quarter ... well, all those quarters still add up.
With my savings from couponing I just started hiring someone to clean my home - a big relief with three small children. Couponing has allowed me to do so much more with my grocery budget.
I guess I would qualify as a "convenience couponer." Sometimes I move toward the "hard core" during my "slow" periods, but I have to admit that I don't do it as often as I could, or maybe should.
I am hard core. I have to learn to wait later in the week so I dont make several trips to the same store. But these hidden deals show up all the time. And if you dont stay ahead of the heard.. well.. you know.
I actually buy stuff that I dont need because it is a money maker and then I donate in this order:
family, friends and charities.
I have been all three but right now I'm a #2!!
Jessica M.
I am a newbie to this couponing game and consider myself a helpless adict. I love a bargain and will do what I can to find a great deal or a moneymaker. It's truly a rush. However, I see myself moving toward a convenience when the rush dissipates. Thanks for compiling all the lists and research. You make it fun to be a couponer!
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