YAY! YAY! GIVE AWAY!!! My TWO Year Coupon Spending Anniversary
It was TWO years ago today, that I ventured to the grocery store with a fistful of coupons... for the very first time!
Sure, previously I had shopped with coupons... less than the number of fingers that I have on one hand (that's 4... wink) per shopping trip, but I was getting geared up for THE BIG LEAGUES OF COUPON SPENDING! I wanted the BIG savings... and I was determined to figure out this coupon spending stuff for myself and my family!
I'd been wowed a few months earlier, while purchasing all of the fixings for a Thanksgiving dinner for a local family though the Salvation Army, with my Life Group. We spent $50 and coupons (thanks to my BFF Alissa) and we were able to purchase $150 worth of groceries for our adopted family! That's when my obsession set in!
Unfortunately, I was 37 weeks pregnant at the time of our awesome Life Group shopping trip, but over the course of the next several months, I read all that I could find on the Internet for learning to spend coupons! I've come a long way!
Before I began spending coupons "hard core" (aka: stockpiling), our family would spend between $125 -$150/week for food and to run our household... minus diapers, as we were gifted several months worth when my son was born.
After two years of learning the coupon spending 'ropes,' (yep, I'm still learning!), I have been able to limit our grocery/household spending to $50/week... including diapers this time!
The time and weekly Sunday paper expenses are undeniably worth their investments!
I've decided to share ALL of my FREE item coupons with one lucky winner, in honor of my TWO YEARS worth of savvy spending! I've decided that they would be far more beneficial to another coupon spender's budget!
$50+ in FREE item coupons include: 1 package of Huggies diapers, Kraft cheese, (2) Yoplait multi packs, Digiorno pizza, Excedrin, Oreo Cakesters, Pillsbury Grands cinnamon rolls, Box of Kashi cereal, Uncrustables and Sugardale bacon.
*Shopping is way more fun when you walk away with freebies!!!
Here's how to enter: (be sure to heighten your chances of winning by entering more than once!) *If you are reading this post in your email or through a feed reader, please leave your comments on this blog post instead of in my email! Thanks!
1. Sign up to become a FOLLOWER of Sharpen Your Scissors, this is the most sincere form of flattery to a blogger!
2. If you are already a Sharpen Your Scissors FOLLOWER than flaunt your follower status and share how long you've been following Sharpen Your Scissors!
3. For each friend/family member/co-worker/neighbor that you recruit to become a FOLLOWER of Sharpen Your Scissors you will receive another entry to win!
(Make sure to enter separately for each person!!!)
4. Share a short story of the coolest (or one of the coolest) things that someone has ever done for you! In my opinion, coupon spending is all about taking care of your family and those around you... paying it forward! For me personally, I was blown away by all of the love, support and delicious meals that we received after my son was born! Coupon spending allows me to (inexpensively) prepare meals for others in need!
5. Link this page to your blog, Facebook page or Tweet about this give away! (I'm @mrsdavewebber on Twitter!) Then let me know that you've put out your broadcast!
The WINNER of the $50+ in FREE item coupons will selected via Random.org, Thursday 3.4.10 at NOON!
Good luck!
I am a follower!
My husband was laid off shortly after we were married and bought our house and we had a lot of repairs to do. It was a struggle because our bathroom needed to be remodelled so I got to take showers once every 2 to 3 days over a relatives house! Some friends of mine on an on-line weight loss site pulled together some money and sent me tons of applicable gift cards around holidy time so I could finish my bathroom and take a shower everyday!
The coolest thing that a friend has done for me was when she sent me a card in the mail when I would be returning back to town and leaving all of my family behind after Christmas. I always feel so lonely when having to return home alone. She sent a card so that it would be here when I returned. She knew it would make me smile. She's the greatest.
Blogged about it here: http://stayingleaninoaklandcounty.blogspot.com/2010/03/50-in-free-coupon-giveaway-courtesy-of.html
I'm a follower and have been following since August :)
The coolest thing anyone has done for me was my dad helping me get through school. He help in many ways and if it wasn't for him I would have never finished.
I am a follower!!!!
I have been following this site for about two months now and enjoy reading everyone's stories as well as advice. I would have to say that the nicest thing anyone has done for myself and my family would have to be just recently. I have friends and family but not alot of help when it comes to my children(everyone has their own lives) and now after a car accident that was not my husbands fault(2yrs ago) he finally has to have back surgery on March 15th. Of course he wants me with him alot that week but with 3 kids ages 12, 8 and 2 it just seems I cannot be everywhere at once. Being that friends and family know I will not ask, they have all banned together to help. I know it may seem small to some but when you really have had no help up until now it is nice to see that when it matters people really do care and come together to show that.
I follow via RSS feed
Without my parents' help I would never be able to work (even part time) with children.
I'm a follower!
The best thing that ever happened to me was Christmas of 2008. Times were tough for us, and we had no idea how we were going to pull off christmas for our kids. One night, I see a car I did not recognize pull up to our mailbox and drop something in it. Inside was a card that said "because you do so much for others, here is gift for you" and inside was money order for $500! I cried for days. I still dont know who that angel was, but I pray for them every night. This year we were lucky enough (thanks to all my coupon savings!) to be able to donate a lot christmas presents and food to families we know, and that feeling was even better than receiving the gift.
Follower since last May!
We had a stranger pay our check at a restaurant once! We're pretty sure they recognized us from church, since my husband had just started work there as the new organist and choir director. It made our week!
Posted on my blog :)
I am a follower!!!!! Yeah for coupons!!
I've been a follower since Fall 09. :)
I am a follower!
I'm a follower:)
My stepdad watched our son for us after some horrible daycare experiences. I had just decided to become a SAHM, but had to finish out my teaching year so he saved our sanity and a lot of money! They are so close now too, it was such a blessing.
Thanks to you I am able to keep our budget under control and can continue to stay at home where my heart is.
I blogged here: http://meg1620.wordpress.com/2010/03/01/50-free-item-coupons-giveaway/
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/meg1620/status/9835094092
I'm a follower!
I've been a follower since the summer.
I have been a follower for about 13 months. Using coupons has definitely made a difference in our food etc budget. Thank you Laura for your classes and guidance!
I'm a follower...have been for many months now! Thanks for all the great info you post.
I've been a Google Reader subscriber since I discovered Sharpen Your Scissors in January. I just became a follower now.
When it snows here, my husband has to go into work extra early. He usually so tired when he gets back home that he really doesn't want to clear our long driveway. There have been a few times when the snow was deep enough that he couldn't get in the driveway.
I usually helped by clearing at least the part by the house so he didn't have to walk through deep snow when he got home. When my son was an infant, though, there was no way I could set him outside while I shoveled.
A neighbor who works second shift adopted us and now, for the part four winters, has been clearing our driveway every time the snow falls.
Hay Laura, I have been reading since the begining. I love to see what you are doing. Also gotta love that BFF of yours! Wish I got to see her more!
I'm a follower!
And I would have to agree with you Laura. It has been amazing to have wonderful people like you bring our family meals after Hannah was born. You brought a delicious meal and diapers and wipes. Thank you so much. And our small group brought us meals and did a big diaper collection for us as well. We seriously have about a six month supply of diapers right now.
I am a follower!!!
Oops, I forgot to say for how long. I'm guessing about 6 months. But I think it's more. :)
I am a follower!
Before I had my second crazy kid, my sister tye dyed all of my old cloth diapers, that I used for burb cloths. They were stained a lovely shade of yellow thanks to my spitter. :) That saved me a ton! And I was the only person I know who had purple tye dye burp clothes. Very cool. :)
You know I follow! :) Not really sure how long I've been following now...5 months?
Been following for 2 months~
I've been reading longer than I've been a follower, and using coupons longer than I've been reading here! ;)
Best thing couponing has done for my family? Provided free or very-nearly-free things to care for my family and allowed me more freedom to be me. :)
I've been a follower for about 9 mos now
I have been a follower since you taught a class at my church. I have recruited a friend who now wants to learn all about couponing! Thanks Laura!
I am a new follower! (ash9)
I've been a follower since fall '09! jkmk8506@gmail.com
I'm a new follower! :)
tweeted http://twitter.com/smash906/status/9841782093
The parents of the kids I nanny for gave me a "just because" gift card to a spa nearby because they know I work hard to watch their kids and could use a day at the spa! So nice!
I am a follower of your blog...enjoy reading your posts very much!
I am a follower!
I tweeted! @jenlholt
When I first started couponing, a friend game me this awesome free christmas book she got and I couldnt believe she got it for free (probably after christmas with a 5.00 hallmark coupon!) It was so sweet.
I just signed up to follow you on twitter mantrita2003@yahoo.com
I am a follower
I am a follower!
I am a follower since Augus 2008!
I have been a (very happy) follower for more than 8 months!
I've been a follower since fall!
We have friends who have so generously given us ALL of their kids' outgrown clothing. It was such a blessing and has saved us so much money. We plan to pass along all of the clothes to another family -- just as soon as we are done with them. (;
I am a new follower, but love how much time you save me (and money). I would never be able to catch all the coupons and specials out there without blogs like yours:)
I can't nail down one nice thing, except my friends who are there when I need them:)
Shared a link of your blog to my Facebook page.
I have been a long time reader and recent "follower".
I've been a follower for at least 8 months.
I follow you on Google Friend Connect.
I have so blessed with so many friends that are all so willing to do anything for us, but the most recent thing I can think of is someone loaning us (a lot) money . I have been looking for a way out of debt, and with the economy there was no bank borrowing happening! So for .05 percent, I was able to become credit card free!! Thank God for our earthly angels.
Not using credit cards anymore! I don't need to now that I'm spending wisely.
Twittered: Tweeted: Twit: whatever you call it lol
and finally I blogged about your giveaway here:
When I was on bedrest during my last pregnancy my parents helped out big time by transporting my kids back and forth to school and their sport activities. My husband works 12 hour shifts and we would've been lost without them.
Still a loyal follower and so grateful for your site!
I've been following for about a month.
A 90-year-old lady cooked dinner twice a week for my brother's family (with three children at home) for four months while they were on the front lines of taking care of my Mom while she was in the end stages of cancer.
I'm a follower! (for months now... I've lost track)
Before we were married, my then-fiance and I lived 8 hours apart. We had some friends located in the middle, and they hosted us for visits more weekends than we can count. We are eternally grateful for their hospitality during the 18 months we lived apart!
I am a follower and I do believe I started following last summerish.
Oh Boy "one of the coolest things any has done for me/my family". Honestly, I am at a toss up:
1. My mother was ill for years with Alzheimers, and when it came time for me to marry I was just going low key, but 3 of my dad's sisters, a cousin-in-law, and a sister all stepped it up a notch. One Aunt made it clear I was going to have a real wedding, colors ect., and she told my dad what he would be covering. She told him that if my mom had been here (mentally) she would be doing this and she was taking her place (still a tear jerker).
2. what the 242 church did for us last summer. We had been battling a drain field issue, it got pretty bad (at times leaving to use a restroom bad). The church stepped in, found a company, helped us with some of the cost, as did some family. It was a huge relief.
I posted on FB
I am a new follower. I found the blog in January when I started couponing and it has been such a blessing and encouragement!
One of the coolest things someone has ever done for me...well that would have to be the Christmas party my freshman college RA threw for us. I was very homesick and stressed about my first college exams. I was five hours from home and freshmen weren't allowed to have cars on campus so I rarely got to go home to visit my mom. Our RA (resident assistant) came into our rooms and woke us up at 5:30 am. She led us out into the decorated lobby where she handed out presents that she had gotten our parents to mail to us. It was such a fantastic and creative idea. It was a huge morale boost. Eight years later, I still remember that as one of the best Christmases ever.
I am a follower
Hmmm....the coolest thing anyone has done for me...I am a teacher...there is another teacher in our building who always seems to know when I need encouragement and lifts me up. After having my daughter I recieved a magazine in the mail. Is said that she has subscribed me for a year of a paretning magazine. It was really nice to get something other than bills in the mail.
~ your faithful INdiana Follower
I have been a follower since Sept 2009, after attending one of your coupon classes.
Our church does a pay it forward every Sunday. During the service we collect spare change, so that we can pay for someone's breakfast at the restaurant we go to after church. They get a flyer from our church explaining 'pay it forward' and hopefully they are able to pay it forward to someone else.
love your blog and have recommended countless people to take your classes!
I am a follower, and have been for... probably about six months, although I've been reading for longer!
gitrecca at gmail dot com
My parents, brothers and I were missionaries in Africa when I was growing up. The six of us arrived there with only twelve suitcases worth of stuff. After we'd been living there just a short while, a moving truck arrived with a brand new dining table and chairs for us! We still don't know who sent us those beautiful things, but we were and are so grateful. My mom brought them back with her and is still using them!
How do you know if you entered the drawing??
dreeves2740... you're in!!
I'm a follower!
pepethewepe at gmail.com
I'm currently looking for a new job, and one of the coolest things anyone's done for me is helping me with my resume. If I get a better job, I won't need the second one, and I can spend more time couponing!
pepethewepe at gmail.com
I tweeted your giveaway here: http://twitter.com/dopeymouse05/status/9876655628
I am subscribed to your blog via email. I love seeing what deals you get, the tutorials, and all the help with coupons. It has inspired me to use coupons more and try and duplicate some of your great deals. I am still learning, but definitely getting better.
I forgot to add that I subscribed to your blog about 3 or 4 months ago.
I've been a follower since late November. Still trying to get the hang of it all. But, I enjoy your words of wisdom. Thanks
I've been following your blog for about 1 year, but actually signed on as a follower about 1 month ago---(Does that make me a blogger stalker?)
Couponing has recently (since I've only been doing it @2 months) the opportunity to donate items to family members on a fixed income. Every little bit helps.
And I just remembered, I share good deals and coupons with them, to save them some money throughout the month!!
I have been a follower for about 8 months!! I have learned a ton!!!
Already following Sharpen Your Scissors with Google Friend Connect [Cheryl F. {The Lucky Ladybug}] -- *Thanks* for the giveaway! I don't know how long -- there aren't any dates listed in GFC.
I am already a follower of Sharpen your scissors. You do a great job and we all appreciate your sharing of information to help our bottom lines.
One of the nicest things that has been done is actually meeting you and learning how to coupon again. I use to use coupons sometimes but not much, as I would forget the coupons, or not match with sales. I started in November following you and Macomb Money Savers and it was fun to see how much I could save and get things cheaper. I had been saving money and bringing the grocery bill down and felt good about that. I was doing it as a stay at home mom to help contribute financially for some extras that we had cut out by me being at home. Like a hobby how can I save enough to get this or that that needs to be done but isn't urgent. Then last week my husband got a layoff notice. So the income will be gone and now I know that this will be needed to keep us going through the hard times ahead. The stories I have read on the blog is true inspiration that others have been there and made it through.
I have been a follower for several months but have been reading your blog for almost a year.
One of the nicest things anyone has done for me was while I was pregnant with my son. I was put on bed rest for the last 10 weeks of my pregnancy. Family and friends would bring us food so we wouldn't have to eat pizza every night. Their generosity was greatly appreciated!
I am a follower!
Faithful follower for about a year. Love your blog!
I'm a follower! :-)
The Lord has provided so amazingly for us in the six years we've been married. One thing that jumps out in my memory is when we were really tight on money, living completely paycheck to paycheck (with a budget always in the red), and our vacuum cleaner died. Someone at church heard that it was dead, and left a brand new vacuum next to our car after church one Sunday. We never found out who the givers were, but we have a pretty good hunch. :-)
I have been a following for over a year now! Wow, time flies when your having FUN! Thanks Laura
Brand New Follower. Hoping to get all the Preschool Moms in my daughters class to sign up for the March 31st Coupon class. Figure if I can inspire other Moms to learn how to save a few buck, why not!
One of the coolest things someone has done for me - my hairdresser/friend, as she was cutting my hair, offered to watch my kids THAT NIGHT so I could go to my husband's banquet for work. I didnt think I was going to be able to go because we didnt have a sitter and she opened her home and insisted that I spend the evening with my husband without kids! It was a fabulous evening and she means the world to me!
I have been a follower since October last year when I wanted to find a way to extend my maternity leave for as long as I could. Couponing, via the tips I've learned from you and other bloggers allowed me a 5 month leave instead of just a standard 6 weeks with my new baby girl!
The nicest thing done for me in recent history is that my mother in law watches my daughter while I am working. This has not only saved me the cost of daycare, but also the worry that a stranger who has little to no emotional investment in her well-being could do her harm.
We may not always see eye to eye, but I do love her and appreciate this gift of her time more than words can say!
I'm a follower and have been for a while.
When my husband lost his job money became tight. Our family and church gave us food. That was a really nice thing to do.
I am a new follower - Carolsue
My friend, Jennai (hobartsmama@aol.com), will soon be signing up to become a follower!
Carolsue just sent me over here! I just signed up as a follower also.
HobartsMama {AT} aol.com
I am a follower!!
I agree with Laura regarding receiving a prepared meals during stressful times. We had a recent loss in our family and it was so was so nice when we had several friends bring us dinner. Something so simple goes such a long way. (Thank you Laura!!)
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