Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tutorial Tuesday: Salt Crusted Baked Potatoes

So... I have this thing for baked potatoes! Any time, any where, I just LOVE them!

Every once in a while, my husband will take me to J. Alexanders for dinner, and although I need to order the Greek salad for dinner, I always order a ($4 and totally worth every penny) salt crusted baked potato to take home for lunch the next day!

I decided to try to mimic the salt crusting at home (for about $.20 and still totally worth every penny...wink), and I began with a recipe from CoastalGoods, and then I enhanced it a little bit!

Ingredients: large baking potatoes, egg white, water, Kosher salt and Rosemary.

Start by adding one tablespoon of water to an egg white.

In a separate bowl, add 1/2 cup of Kosher salt and a few shakes of your Rosemary.

Next, take each of your potatoes and prick several holes with a fork. (10-15 sets per potato.)

Use your fork to whip the egg white and water together, this will be the "glue" to help your salt mix adhere to your potato!

Roll your potato in the liquid, making sure to coat all of the potato.

Immediately follow by rolling the potato in the salt mix- coating evenly.

I placed a sheet of foil on my cookie sheet, and baked my potatoes for an hour at 400*.

When they were done cooking, they were surprisingly fluffy tasting!

Of course, we loaded our with butter, sour cream, cheese and bacon! Yum!

Personal Note:
The first dinner that we ate our potatoes, we left the salt crusting on, but we didn't eat the skin (I was sad! I love to eat the skin, and its super healthy!) When we reheated potatoes for another dinner, I rinsed the crusting off and reheated them! I was able to eat the skin... even Dave ate the skin, and he never does!

Recipe Recap:

Large baking potatoes
1 egg white
1 tablespoon of water
1/2 cup of Kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon of Rosemary

Bake for 1 hour at 400*



You have to look up the Pioneer Woman's "Crash Hot Potatoes", they are the bomb!!!! They are the potato freaks dream come true and still healthy!

Laura Webber

Ooooh! Thanks! I'll absolutely check that out!


Wow! They look yummy. I can't wait to try.


These remind me of a yummy Alton Brown dish. First you boil fingerling potatoes in water with a ton of rock salt (also known as icecream salt) enough to cover the bottom of your sauce pot. When they are finshed cooking, about 15 mins, you set them on a baking rack to cool. They get this sparkly glitter look to them! Then you toss them with butter and chives or dill. Soooo yummy and easy. Plus for so little time and so few ingredients, it looks very impressive.


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