Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sunday Survey

Often, I have newbie coupon spenders who become overwhelmed with the influx of items coming into their homes, and they ask "where do you store your stuff?"

Personally, I store my items where it makes the most sense for me:

  • Extra diapers and wipes are located in my son's closet.

  • Extra cleaning supplies are located in the broom closet.

  • Extra shampoo/deodorant/toothpaste are located in our bathroom cupboards.

  • Extra food items have a couple of designated shelves on the wall in my laundry room.

Where do YOU store your goodies?



Great topic. I consider myself new also, although I have been couponing for a few months now. This is a huge problem for me. I have items everywhere. I really need to get some organization for many reason, space, time, remembering that I in fact have the items. I am going to try to do a major overhaul on my vacation coming up next week, but any advice is much much much appreciated.



Toiletries are in the linen closet. It has very deep shelves. Since I make most of my cleaning supplies out of everyday items, they are in the food pantry on the bottom shelf. And all the food is in the basement near the emergency kits and empty rubbermaids. If we have to make a run for it, we can fill up the rubbermaids, and go. Better to be safe than sorry. :)

Staying Lean

Clean supplies and bathroom products and health and beauty mostly are in the linen closet. Extra food and overflow of anything else are in my spare bedroom and all over the place in bags. Still working on furniture for that room on our limited income but eventually I plan to have shelves and be a bit more organized.


First, Jen@Scrapingirl, and no offense meant here, but where are you going in such a rush? :-)

Before I started spending coupons, I still needed more than my meager 2x2' pantry allowed, so I was at Linens N Things one day during their Going Out of Business sale and found a large metal, heavy duty shelf for $80. It seemed like a good deal to me so I stuffed it into my truck and brought it home. It now resides in one corner of my laundry room on our main level, not too far from my kitchen. Now that I spend coupons, this was a better deal than I thought it would be! I store all my extra food items there. It's perfect.

I'm like Laura in that I store items where they belong, mostly. TP is on the floor of our linen closet, between our two bathrooms, and extra toiletries are under our sinks in baskets. I did have to repurpose a rubbermaid three-drawer container and put it in my side of my closet under my shirts (it fits nicely there). I use a drawer for shaving products, a drawer for body wash, and a drawer for deodorant, all of which I now have so much of I don't need to buy any for a long while! :-) I also think I have enough feminine products that I have enough (stored neatly under my sink) to last until I reach menopause! lol

Good topic, Laura!

Paula Wethington

We keep our blankets and sheets in the closets and a cedar chest. So the linen closet has plenty of room for storing toilet paper, toothpaste, shampoo and soap.

The overflow groceries go on a spare bookshelf and my daughter's old computer desk, which are in the basement. When we finish the basement I'll have more traditional pantry shelves installed. But the needed space won't be any bigger than a small closet.

Our disaster kit is a plastic tub with the most important stuff - batteries, flashlight, first aid it, emergency radio. The other items we might need in an emergency are stored elsewhere because they also serve other purposes, but can be grabbed quickly.


Funny you should ask this question. I was just telling my DH that I finally understand what the expert "clippers" are talking about when they say "stockpile". I am rich in deodorants,toothpaste,razors and feminine products. I'm storing my "riches" in hat boxes on the closet shelf in my linen closet.

Seems that when I start stockpiling food items I end up making goodie bags for other members in my family.



Sounds like alot of good storage options. I do have a question though. I have a good amount of cupboards and a small pantry but could still use some more storage. I have been timid about using my laundry room or my basement. I was worried about the level of heat or humidity in the room. Is that a problem even though the items are not opened. My laundry room is near my kitchen and garage and gets very warm with the dryer on. My basement isn't finished therefore feels damp. I just wonder if it could hurt certain items like cereal, crackers, canned goods?