Saturday, March 13, 2010

"Local Ladies:" Meet Give Me Neither

I have decided to take the next several weeks to introduce MICHIGAN's long list of savvy shopping blogs to you! Each day I will be adding a new blog to my "Local Ladies" sidebar! Enjoy!

Sarah, the blog author of
Give Me Neither (.com), writes a spectacular blog geared towards saving and giving on the west side of the state!

Sarah shares online deals, and give aways, as well as hot finds for Aldi, CVS, Family Fare, K Mart, Meijer, Target, Rite Aid, Walgreens and Walmart! I love that Sarah began her blogging journey in hopes of inspiring others to become more wise in their spending so that they may be able to become more generous, through The White Bucket Project.

Sarah, thank you for your continuous deal seeking to help us all spend (and give) more wisely!


Sarah @ Give Me Neither

Thanks Laura! I also love to post Target deals. It's the one I love best:)

We're also embarking on the adoption journey so I've sharing about that too.

Thanks again.

Laura Webber

Hi Sarah,
Oops, sorry about missing Target, and I'm excited to read about your adoption journey as well!

I hope your traffic increases! I LOVE your site!