Grocery Game Plan: Kroger
Kroger brand cottage cheese, sour cream and dip, $1 Freshlike Steamfresh frozen vegetables, $1 Spend the $.35 Manufacturer's coupon Total: $.30 Swiss Miss Hot Cocoa mix, $1 Spend the $.50/2 Manufacturer's coupon Total: $.50 each when purchasing 2 Pillsbury Grands, Sweet Rolls and Crescent Rolls, $1 Spend the $.30/2 MFC for Grands = $.70/each when purchasing 2 Spend the $.40/2 MFC for Sweet Rolls = $.60/each when purchasing 2 Spend the $.50/2 or ($.25/1) for Crescent's = $.50/each when purchasing 2 Kroger brand bread and buns, $1/package Gatorade G2 singles, $1 Spend the $.50 Manufacturer's coupon Total: FREE Dannon yogurt (multi packs), $1.88 Spend the $1 Danactive Manufacturer's coupon Spend the $1 Activia Manufacturer's coupon Total: $.88/packageHere are my favorite stockpilable items this week, 1/18- 1/24, at Kroger!
Feel free to visit to view the complete ad.
Visit macombmoneysavers for the entire listing of sales this week at Kroger for the Metro Detroit area.
*Kroger sale prices are available to those who shop with a Kroger Savings Club Card. You will only receive the sale price discounts when you shop with your card. If you don't have a Kroger Savings Club Card, just stop by the Customer Service desk and sign up for a card so that you may begin reaping the discounts immediately.
*Kroger will double Manufacturer coupons up to and including $.50.
*NEW!!! Kroger now limits the number of coupons allowable to 3 identical coupons per like items. Purchasing several flavors/varieties side steps this limit!
*Rain checks for out of stock items are available at the customer service desk.
*Kroger offers a 'brought my own bag' discount of $.05 per bag.
*If you are headed to SUPER Kroger (108 W. Highland Rd., Howell MI 48843 (517) 552-0126) the most local Kroger that doubles coupons up to and including $1 (up to THREE identical coupons) visit 123Save for the best deals for the current week's promotions.
AND AS ALWAYS, please leave me a comment if I have missed a deal... Thank you!
I recently took advantage of a Pillsbury deal and now I have so many tubes of biscuits in our fridge, I'm worried they're going to go bad before we can eat all of them. The package says "do not freeze". What is your suggestion on how to make stockpiling these refrigerated items worth while? Is it better to bake them and then freeze?
Thanks! Heather
OK, I had a student last fall who said that she freezes them anyway- she just allows them to thaw in her fridge for two days before she opens them! She claims to never have had any problems!
I have two cans in my freezer waiting for my boldness to thaw them!
Worth a shot, I guess!
Could you explain how to stack Kroger coupons again? I get coupons from Kroger's in the mail, the tan and red ones and then ones that come in a little booklet. All of them say 'manufactor's coupon' on them, but I thought I remembered you saying that we could stack them. Just trying to figure this out. Thanks for all of your help.
Hi Megan,
Meijer is more of the coupon stacking grocery store... but IF your Kroger coupon states 'Store Coupon' instead of 'Manufacturer Coupon' than you may double dip your discount by spending two coupons (one store and one manufacturer)!
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