Hi! I am new to couponing and enjoy your site, I live in Columbus OH. My favorite store is Kroger because of the rewards I earn with my Kroger Mastercard. I have been researching internet printable coupons and have seen that Kroger is hesitant to take them and prefers that you load coupons onto your Kroger Plus card to be processed at checkout.
This is a great idea but I am hesitant because it will be hard for me to track. I am wondering what your experience has been with this. Does it show up differently on the receipt so I can make sure it was credited? Do you have a good way to keep track of what you have downloaded to your card so you remember what is on it?
Also, do you know how many coupons I can stack per item at Kroger? I had three different coupons for cereal and they cut me off at two, is that normal?
Thanks for your help. I am really getting some good deals and its so exciting.
Me: You have given me some interesting information! I do know that Kroger has discontinued carrying certain products (Cottonelle 4 packs) because of internet printable coupon fraud (coupons were scanned and then printed, which is illegal, and Kroger was not reimbursed for the scanned counterfeit coupons), but I have not heard of their hesitation here in Michigan.
I also find it interesting that Kroger prefers you to download your coupons electronically onto your Kroger card instead of using internet printable coupons- since they are NOT the same. Internet printables can be printed twice per computer and are sometimes reset during the month to allow you to print them again, and the coupons that you load onto your Kroger card are only available to be used ONCE per month... and those coupons DO NOT double... ever!
Personally, I do not use the loadable Kroger coupons- for the same reasons as you:
1. I don't want another 'thing' to keep track of! I much prefer the handing over of a paper coupon!
2. I've heard of one too many people needing to go through a long hassle of getting their eCoupon money back when the eCoupon wasn't deducted when it should have been.
Kroger's coupon policy allows one coupon per item, unless the coupon states otherwise, like a coupon may state: save $1 on two products. In Michigan, Kroger just made a new rule that allows you to spend up to THREE identical coupons per transaction. Maybe you just need to purchase your groceries in more than one transaction!
Do any SYS readers have any advice for eCoupons at Kroger?
Hi Laura, I've used both Cellfire & Shortcuts coupons and sometimes the P&G e-coupons and haven't had too many problems. If you buy more than one item, and you have both a cellfire & shortcuts coupon for the same item, both e-coupons will be applied; otherwise, you'll only get credit for one. One or both of the sites say that you should not use paper coupons with the e-coupons but I always use both. Paper is definately my coupon of choice for the reasons you listed above, especially the doubling part.
I did have one occasion where I was missing credit for 3 or 4 e-coupons and I emailed the company and asked why. They investigated and found that they were missed and applied a $ credit to my e-account. The next time I used my Kroger card the $ were automatically taken off my account for which I was pleasantly surprised. Shortcuts & Cellfire take a relatively small effort so once or twice a month I load up my card but the deals are miniscule compared to paper coupons & doubling. In addition, I've never had any problem using valid paper internet coupons so I'll continue using those as well if I need to. Thanks for all you do Laura. We appreciate it.
Thanks for sharing your thorough insight! Its much appreciated!
I use the 3 loadable sites also and it seems to work fine with me stacking. I have not had any problems so far. As for what do I have on my cards, I always double check before I go to Kroger to make sure I do not want to add anything to my card and then after doing that I print what is on my card. I believe that all 3 sites allow you to do that.
I load my card at the begining of the month and never check it again. If I happen to buy something that had a ecoupon it's a bonus :)
Dear Laura,
you have some great feedback. this week kroger has bertolli spaghetti sauce for $1.79 regularly $3.29. On the sargento cheese pkg are $1 off sauce. and if you shop in howell its free! and you don't have to buy the cheese.
The Lapeer Kroger will not take printable coupons. I was upset at this and called corporate... they told me they do not take printable coupons. So, if your Kroger is still accepting printables, enjoy it while it lasts!
Wow! I had NO IDEA! I love printables!
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