Saturday, October 10, 2009

$100 Shopping Spree Revealed:

Meet Becky, the winner of the $100 (shop with Mrs. Sharp Scissors Lady and her coupons) shopping spree! Becky was a bit reserved about spending her winnings- but I encouraged her to purchase items that she may not normally have coupons for like meat, deli meat, and household staples like butter and flour! I promised Becky a fun shopping trip, and I'm happy to have delivered just that!!! (Seriously, $100 cash, how could it not have been fun?)

Becky decided to shop at Super Kroger to spend her winnings, here is how she did:

Grocery Total $325.35

75 coupons used, 71 doubled

26 free items

Total spent $139.33

($100 Yay Yay Giveaway money, $39.33 out of pocket)

Total Saved $186.02

Yep, now THAT was fun!!!



aww I so jealous!!

The team

Me too!!!!

Laura Webber

OK, OK... me too! Becky was a great shopper!

Becky C

Thanks again Laura! It was SO much fun!


Wow, that's just incredible!