Grocery Shopping at Meijer
I shopped earlier in the week, but my posting has been delayed because my son has been sick... I'll be catching up with my shopping posts soon!
Grocery total: $69.13
Spent: $20.76 & Saved $48.37
28 coupons spent
1 FREE item!
I hate when I forget that Meijer will only double the first two identical $.50 coupons... I planned my purchases with 2 sets of 11 items (purchase 10 for $10 receive the 11th item FREE), but my coupons needed doubling so I only received 1 FREE item!
So YOU'RE the one who took all the pepperoni! :) I also forgot about the doubling rule, and actually, my Warm Delights coupons didn't automatically double anyway, I had to have the lady do it manually. But I got my free Warm Delights! ;)
It pays to live in my neighborhood... I wondered what to do with all of my pepperoni... come get some!
So only 2 of the same coupon will double am I understanding that correctly? I am preparing my shopping venture with all the amazing coupons that came in the papers this weekend.
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