Monday, July 27, 2009

OK, so I ran to my local Kroger last night... even after Super Krogering... because I had a hunch that the Propel waters were included in the purchase 10 items receive a $5 discount promotion and I had collected 8 tear pad coupons for $.50 (doubled to $1) making the Propels at the very least FREE. I brought a few more coupons for other participating products to push my total for participating products up to 10.

I lucked out and found 3 packages of the Playtex hand saver gloves that I have been stalking for weeks. These were selling for $1 and I had $1 coupons for each of them!

So... I purchased 10 qualifying items- but I had coupons to make all 10 of my products FREE BEFORE the $5 discount, so I picked up some banana's and 3 packages of baby Goldfish crackers (thanks Aunt Kelly for getting Bo hooked on these!!!) and spent my $5 in products that I wanted to purchase.

Grocery Total: $25.15
Spent: $1.46 & Saved: $23.69
19 coupons spent (my Propel's doubled)
and 13 FREE items including the Propels, the gloves, 2 goldfish and the bananas.



No problem, it was my pleasure ;)