Grocery Game Plan: Meijer
Stockpiliable items for Meijer May 10-16th, 2009
IP= Internet Printable coupon
MFC=Manufacturer's coupon
MBC= Mealbox coupon
Kraft Mac & Cheese: $.50/box, use IP buy 3 get 1 free
Kelloggs Frosted Mini's, $1.80/box, use $1IP
Plumrose sliced bacon, $2.19/package
Oscar Mayer Hot Dogs, $1.25/package, use $1/2 MFC & $1/2 MBC (=$.25 each when you buy 2)
Select General Mills cereal, Buy 4 boxes get $5 off instantly + various General Mills coupons
Aunt Millies bread, $1.19/loaf, use $.35 MFC
Bertolli Olive Oil, Buy one get one free
Capri Sun, $1.79/box, use $1 MFC
Hunt's Ketchup, $1/bottle, use $.20 MFC & $1/5 MBC
Duncan Hines Cake mix & frosting, $1/each, use $1/5 MBC
Kraft Mayo, $2 each, use $1 MFC & $1 MBC
Open Pit BBQ, $1/bottle, use $1/5 MBC
Electrosol, $3/box, use $2.50 MFC
Softsoap, $.99/pump, use $.35 MFC
RUMOR: Kraft 16oz salad dressing, $1.58/bottle, use $1.50 MFC & $1 MBC
Sorry about the previous Meijer posting... I was behind the times.
16oz Kraft dressing is free. There are IP's for it and there were coupons in this past weeks paper. There are also coupons in mealbox
Does Meijer have different sales ads for different areas? The Barilla pasta and Crystal Light were on sale last week. They are not showing in the on-line this week.
There are some GREAT deals with the Kraft and Mealbox coupons for Oscar Mayer hot dogs ($.25 ea) and Ritz crackers ($.50 ea) along with the free Kraft mayo and Miracle Whip! (They're listed on my blog if you need links.) And I agree with Amy - the Barilla, Crystal Light, and Smart Balance were last week's sales in my area!
So sorry, being away threw me off. I have reposted!
I got Crystal Light for free still. Use one IP Buy 1, get Skin Essentials free, 1 IP $1 off, and two Meijer $1 off coupons = both boxes free!
And one more fun thing - buy 6 boxes of Kraft mac and cheese for $3 total and get a catalina for $2 off your next purchase!!!
I did great at Meijer as well. Spent $66 and saved $95. I didn't realize that you could only use one MB coupon per transaction (per item). I bought four mayo's with the MQ and the MB and the cashier said I could only buy one. She let it slide this time. I guess it says it right on the coupon too.
Actually, never mind. I just read one of the coupons and it only says one coupon per item. So you should be able to use more than 1 mealbox coupon right Laura? If I bought 4 mayos, I could use 4 MB coupons?
Not only are the Open Pit on sale and your can use a meal box coupon, some of them have a .35 cent coupon on them. Doubled with above deal makes them 5 for .50cent. Crazy--
The mealbox coupons NOW say one per item... they USED to say one per transaction... just ask you cashier to read the coupon next time!
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