Q & A
From an email...
Coupon Clipper: Today at Walgreen's, I purchased 3 boxes of Kellogg's cereal, Skintamate shave gel, and a filler- Easter egg color kit. I had 3 manufac. coupons for the cereal from the Sunday paper and 2 RR's for $3.50 from Colgate toothpaste.
I was supposed to get RR's back for the cereal and shave gel, but they didn't come. The cashier said it was because I used the Colgate RR's. That's not right is it? Any ideas why this happened?
Me: That has happened to me before!
Walgreen's has a very complex coupon/Register Reward redemption process. Looping, spending a Register Reward on the exact same item and expecting a new Register Reward to print is forbidden at Walgreen's. Even spending a Register Reward from one product to receive a Register Reward for another product within the same parent company is forbidden.
Sometimes it is hard to tell- some companies make a vast array of products! I do have a couple of tips for if this happens to you in the future.
1. IMMEDIATELY return and re-buy the 'offending' products. Your cashier will keep your coupons and your RR's, but (s)he will give you the full value of the items. When you re-buy the products you will bay with just cash- no RR's that will prevent you next RR's from printing.
2. You can call the company that prints the RR's (Catalina Marketing). Calmly explain your situations and they may be able to cut you a check for your RR's. (888) 322-3814
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