Friday, February 6, 2009

Q & A

From an email...

Coupon Clipper: Can you explain the buy one get one free coupons to me. If I have two, can I get two items free? I'm a little confused about those.

Me: Buy One Get One FREE Coupons (BOGO):

If you have a Buy One Get One FREE (BOGO) manufacturer coupon it means that if you buy one product in the store at regular price (or with a $.?? coupon) then you would receive your second product for FREE.

If you have a Buy One Get One FREE manufacturer coupon and the store is running a Buy One Get One FREE sale... you receive BOTH products for FREE... the manufacturer pays for the one you "bought" with the coupon and the store pays for the one you "bought" by shopping the store's sale.

If you have 2 Buy One Get One FREE coupons you need to "purchase" four items- but two of them will be for FREE.

If the store is having a BOGO sale and you have 2 BOGO coupons- you "purchase" all four items for FREE.

This is a tricky concept for most people to wrap their minds around... you are not alone! You do need to understand it as you may need to explain this to a cashier someday!