Friday, February 6, 2009

Interesting Information...

Information from the Coupon Council:

Coupon Facts

89% of the United States population uses coupons.
Shoppers saved approximately $2.6 billion last year by using coupons.
The typical coupon was worth $1.25 savings in 2007
Coupon users report an average of 7% savings on their grocery bill with coupons.
The typical family saves between $5.20 and $9.60 per week using coupons.
Manufacturers offered more than approximately $350 billion in coupon savings in 2007.

All Age Groups use Coupons!

Age/% using coupons

Coupon users broken out by income:

Income/% using coupons
under $25,000/89%

Source: Consumer Internet Survey Panel of 1,000 people

History of Coupons

Coupons are born! Asa Candler, the druggist who bought the formula for Coca-Cola for $2,300, gives out handwritten tickets for a free glass of his new fountain drink.

Next stop, the local grocer! C.W. Post distributes the first grocery coupon worth one cent towards his new health cereal, Grape Nuts.

Coupons are a staple in American households because of the Depression. Everyone needs to save money wherever possible, and clipping coupons clips weekly grocery bills.

Supermarkets sprout across the country and continue the coupon tradition that had begun in neighborhood groceries.

The Nielsen Coupon Clearing House becomes the first clearing house devoted to coupon redemption. Coupons have created a new industry.

One-half of Americans are now coupon users.

Coupon popularity continues to grow. Over 35 billion coupons are distributed and 65% of American households clip!

America celebrates the first National Coupon Month. Children create art designs of their favorite coupons in the 1st Annual Coupon Month.

Parents learn how to involve children in saving with coupons for National Coupon Month 2000.

89% of consumers use coupons while shopping at supermarkets as a way to economize during a period of rising prices.

Where To Find Coupons

*In your local Sunday Newspaper. Inside you’ll find inserts loaded with coupons — nearly 90% of all manufacturer's coupons issued in the United States are delivered in your Sunday paper.

*Look in the store. You’ll find coupons in the retailer’s advertising flyer, on the shelf, at kiosks, and even at the check-out. Turn your register receipt over – sometimes there will be coupons there too!

*Try samples offered in the store and you’ll often be offered a coupon to take home a package of the newest and greatest products.

*Check the product package. Your favorite brands want you to keep buying their product, so you’ll find coupons on the package, or inside, for the next purchase.

*Look on the internet. There are coupon sites where you can print coupons and find providers who will email you coupons. A product manufacturer’s Web site may offer coupons for brands you love. Don’t forget to check your favorite store’s Web site too for coupons! Be cautious online, however, of someone offering to sell you manufacturer coupons ... there’s no need to buy them when there are so many available free!

*Open your mail box – you’ll find coupons sent right to your door step. Put your name and address on coupons you redeem to get more coupons sent to you in the future.

*Magazines are another great source for coupons. You’ll find them right on the advertising page, or sometimes inserted between the magazine pages.

*Buy a local coupon book – many are sold by schools and community groups to raise funds for good causes.

*Smart coupon shoppers keep their eyes peeled for coupons – you’ll find them just about everywhere!