Grocery Shopping at Meijer
Grocery Total: $140.36
Spent: $53.67 & Saved: $86.69
60 coupons used
15 FREE items
It was a typical Monday today, Bo and I went grocery shopping at Meijer. I love starting out my week at the grocery store, and as you can tell- grocery shopping is FUN for me!
I broke my shopping into 3 transactions- based on my coupons. I had multiple coupons (from yesterday's paper) for the Lawry's marinade and the mustard. Since they were on sale, I decided to stock up. All of the expiration dates are for 2010- so they will mostly be used this summer for BBQ's and entertaining.
My first transaction was the largest- spanning everything but 4 marinades and 3 mustards. I wanted ALL of my coupons to double- so I was willing to spend an extra couple of minutes (about 2 min.) checking out to save an extra $9.42.
Coupon Lady Snippet:
Occasionally, Meijer will have store coupons that match up with the stores sales... and sometime even with manufacturer's coupons as well. Visit In the upper right hand corner you will find a box that says 'search entire site,'type in mealbox and hit search. A screen will pop up- select 'specials' along the top bar of choices. Here are Meijer's store coupons. You can print these and bring them to the store.
So along with my manufacturer's coupons, I matched the Meijer coupons to my Quaker oatmeal packets (making them $1 per box- or $.10 per breakfast) and to my Lawry's marinade coupon's (making each bottle $1). Essentially, I was using two coupons per item(also called stacking), one store coupon and one manufacturer coupon.
I really does pay to do your research in advance- before even entering the grocery store.
Hmmm, great tip on the Meijer coups! I just printed the ones from the mealbox. When I print them, they say "Not to be combined with any other discount coupons." But they still let you stack them? I bet you went thru the U-scan right? I'll have to try it! I wanted to get Frank's Red Hot, Lowry's and mustard.
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