Wednesday, January 28, 2009

From My Readers...

From a Newbie Coupon Clipper's blog...

Coupon Skills
Yea, I've got skills. Inspired by a friend of my friend Gina, and one of my new favorite bloggers, , I have taken on the new hobby of saving us money. I am trying to be more cost conscious and work on some "process improvements" in our household.

I started with the Sunday paper, bough two copies along with some other items on Sunday with a gift card I received from Walgreen's for transferring over a prescription (love those deals).

I went through the coupons and started matching them up with the ads. I then took it a step further and started looking online for coupons. Most manufactures will send you coupons for signing up on their mailing lists. Combine those with store coupons and sales and you can save a lot of money.

My first trip was to my favorite grocery store, Kroger. "My Kroger" in Grand Blanc is a special Kroger. Not only do they have a Starbucks inside, but they double your coupons up to $1, calling them "Bonus Coupons".This is my first trip testing out my new skills. I stocked up on some necessities and a few favorites. I spent $21.95 and saved $44.15. I was hoping to do a little better but for 22 items, that brings the average cost to less than $1 each. It's a start.

Me: WOO HOO! Spending coupons instead of money... the wave of the thrifty!!!
(Way to share the LOVE Gina!!!)