I thought I'd take the first day of the month to welcome new Sharpen Your Scissors readers here to my site!
Here's what you can expect:
***Please keep in mind that I *tend to keep "summer hours"* and may opt to spend the day chasing my toddler chasing butterflies, than in front of my computer... ***
Sunday's: A brief (not too personal) survey question is posed each week, that allows readers to share their personal perspective on a different weekly topic.
Monday's: Each Monday I post the least expensive "stockpilable" deals for both Kroger and Meijer grocery stores, these posts are called 'Grocery Game Plans.' I believe that it is incredibly important to know what you anticipate purchasing before you enter the store. I also post the weekly 'Drug Store Deals,' sharing the best deals from each of the drug stores.
Tuesday's: Tutorial Tuesday's posts are a collection of easy and inexpensive recipes that are made from common household ingredients and the final product must taste yummy! Each post takes you step by step through a recipe with pictures as your tour guide! To aid you in finding a previously posted recipe more easily, I have created a separate blog, Clip & Cook.
Wednesday's: Each Wednesday I share a picture and brief description of coupons that I have spent for what I personally have purchased from the grocery store during the week.
Thursday's: Thought Provoking Thursday's posts are designed to create thinking for reducing spending outside of grocery and household spending.
Friday's: Organization is the key to success in many situations. I personally am committed to purging and re- organizing my home throughout twenty-ten. Each Friday I share a spot in my home that needs attention and how/why I have tackled the area!
Saturday's: Each Saturday I recap my weekly spending. Keeping close tabs on how much I spend, where I spend it, and what I purchase allows me the opportunity to change spending habits if necessary, and monitor whether or not I am in line with my monthly budget.
I also generously 'pepper' my routine posting by answering questions, sharing HOT deals that crop up during the week, and sharing tips and tricks to savvier spending and saving through my personal shopping experiences!
Here's how YOU can connect:
Have a question? Feel free to send me an email, sharpenyourscissors @ gmail . com
Want to include your thoughts about a post's topic? Click on "comments" below the post and a type box will pop up for you to begin sharing your thoughts/ideas/suggestions!
Want to learn more? Click on text that is highlighted either green or pink (my signature colors) to instantly connect with more information that directly corresponds to the post.
If you'd like to subscribe to Sharpen Your Scissors with your RSS Reader, you'll never miss a post!
Or, if you'd prefer, you can have each of my posts arrive in your email account.
And lastly, the highest compliment that I can receive from your learning valuable information here at Sharpen Your Scissors is to become a Follower of my blog!
Lastly, I invite you to peek around my site! I have written hundreds of posts in hopes that I can encourage YOU along in your coupon spending journey! I have attached 'labels' to all of my posts, you can easily find these topics along the right sidebar. It may be a wise idea to peek back into my posting archives to gain a little more coupon spending understanding!
I highly recommend reading 'THIRTY-ONE Tips,' 'The BIG Picture,' 'Thought Provoking Thursday,' 'About the Author' and 'On a Personal Note...' if you'd like to get to know a little bit more about me, and finally, 'Organization' has two in depth looks at different methods of organizing your coupon stash!
Thanks for reading Sharpen Your Scissors,
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