Thought Provoking Thursday
Well, its that time of year. Its the time of year that delicious fruits and vegetables are picked locally and are as fresh as we'll ever taste them!
Its also the best time of the year for my family to begin paring down the foods that I have stockpiled and frozen over the last several months! I would much rather eat what we already have on hand (and in cupboards, and in the freezer) than not be able to preserve some of this season's finest for the pitiful fruit and veggie days of winter! My plan is to spend less during these next few months so that I can 'U-Pick' and 'Farmer's Market' to my hearts delight, without blowing my budget!
Whatd'ya say, care to join me for a freezer purging June? What do YOU plan to freeze this summer?
In case you missed it, here is my flash freezing tutorial!
Good idea - U-pick is great but $$$.
I order from Michigan door to door organics, and I love to freeze some of the extra fruits and veggies. I can't waste them. But I plan on using up what's in both our freezers and then stocking up on all kinds of berries. I'll be making berry breads all Fall and Winter long.
I am doing the same thing! We eat more at home during the summer months and I try to just eat what we have on hand. :)
Especially with grilling-its super easy to eat at home!!!
I've been slowly working on a freezer purge. I, too, want to make room for the fruits and vegetables that will be coming my way soon.
My husband loves fried peppers, so we started freezing pepper slices a few summers ago. A word of warning: hot peppers get hotter when they're frozen.
This year I especially want to freeze corn. I experimented last year with freezing half cobs. They're obviously not as tasty as fresh-picked, but they were really pretty good.
Hi Julie,
I didn't know that peppers got more hot after freezing! Good to know!
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