Saturday, April 3, 2010

Spending/Saving Saturday March 28-April 3

Spent: $4.61
***I haven't been to Aldi in years, and I've only been twice before. I was pretty surprised by the prices- but not enough to give up shopping name brands!

Rite Aid:
Spent: $0 (gift card from prescription transfer)
Saved: $21.93

Spent: $0 (earned gift card from previous savvy spending)
Saved: $1.77

Previous purchases this week:
Spent: $45.08
Saved: $120.91

Total for this week:
Spent: $50.52
Saved: $144.61

When I decided to track my weekly spending for this year, I didn't think about weeks containing two months in them... so I decided to split my spending for the week (up to March 31st) evenly between the two months and then anything purchased after 4.1.10 is allocated to April's spending!