Want-A-Peek Wednesday
Grocery Total: $71.00
Spent: $12.14
Saved: $58.86
Store Rewards Spent: $10
Items purchased with coupons:
KEY: MFC= Manufacturer's coupon, MBC= Meijer Mealbox coupon, IP= Internet printable coupon.
Johnsonville Brats (MFC & MBC), Kraft Parmesan cheese (IP MFC), Chi Chi's salsa (MFC), Aunt Millies bread (MFC, just a single coupon).
All of these items were purchased in a single transaction with a partial payment of $10 (2 $5 rewards) from purchasing Kraft cheese, a catalina promotion in January.
Grocery Total: $79.66
Spent: $(-.37)***
Saved: $80.03
Store Rewards Spent: $21
Items purchased with coupons:
KEY: MFC= Manufacturer's coupon, MBC= Meijer Mealbox coupon, IP= Internet printable coupon.
Kraft cheese (MFC), Philadelphia cream cheese (MFC & MBC), McCormick's seasoning packets (MFC & MBC).
I posted about this AMAZING cheese deal that was only available on Sunday (thanks to Jolyn of MMS), by purchasing 6 blocks of Kraft cheese (or 5 blocks of Philly) in a single transaction, I would earn a $5 catalina (store reward money) from Kraft. I continuously 'rolled' my $5 rewards into the next transaction... scoring FREE cheese!
I began my first transaction with a $3 catalina from purchasing Huggies wipes a few weeks ago, which started my first transaction out on a very inexpensive note! I also spent a second $3 catalina (thanks Huggies) for my Philly transaction, leaving me with (2) $5 catalinas at the end of my shopping trip.
I purchased these items in 7 separate transactions. I was surprised that I was actually having the U-Scan machine spit money out at me... but my 6 blocks of cheese in a single transaction totaled $4.96 and when I paid with my $5 catalina, 4 pennies would be sent out of the register for me! Don't worry... I'm sure these pennies will make their way into Sandy, the penny horse... my son LOVES taking two rides before we head home!
PS: Thank you for all of the kind words about these posts earlier this week! I hope that this new-ish style is more helpful for everyone!
I know what you mean about the pennies! I have a 2 year old also and we always visit the horse at our Meijer too. Great job on the deals!
I just have a quick question with your first Meijer trip for example. You say your oop was $12.14 and I see you used $10 in store rewards. Did the $12.14 INCLUDE the rewards so you really only paid $2.14 oop? Love your pictures by the way.
I tried the $5 catalina deal and got nothing...I did the math from my receipt and by purchasing 6 blocks of craft cheese, it deducted $2...which is in line with the advertised deal, but not with what others are posting and saying about the $5 rolling catalinas. Hmm...
Love the new look, thanks for adding the extra info! Great deals!
The Catalina on the Kraft Cheese was only good on Sunday.
Again your pictures made me re-think my shopping trip. I had missed the Johnsonville sale. I will be heading out in the morning :)
Thanks for the pics!
I love this new way of posting your finds. Thank you!
This is great, Laura. Thanks for all the detail! I also missed the Johnsonville deal, so I'll try and snag a couple of those myself. I did get the Kraft cheese deal, though, so that made me very happy!
Thanks for the great post (as always)! I hope the new look didn't take you took long! Don't want to keep you from that precious son of yours ;-)
Hi Ellen,
I paid $10 in store rewards before my $12 total... my cost would have been $22 before my rewards! Good question!
The $5 Catalina for the Kraft and Philly was only good for Sunday. The Kraft Promotion was for 1/1-1/31 and Sunday was 1/31... and Meijer had the Kraft sale!
Hi Candice,
I'm just trying to use nap time to my FULL advantage ;)!
Erica & Pam, my husband was THRILLED with all of the J-Ville I purchased! Go get some!!!
This was a great post! By the way, I just receieved a quick and delicious meal recipe from Becky in my Twins Club. The recipe calls for J-Ville Italian Sausage, Chi-Chi Salsa, Kraft Parmesan Cheese, and tortillas. Hmm, everything was either very inexpensive last week or just free!
Your deals are so inspiring...although I must admit, I wish I was your neighbor and could just maybe benefit from any surplus you have from week to week. :)
Thanks Laura, I love the new way you are doing your Want A Peek posts. Gives us an idea how you got the good deals :)
Thanks for the added detail Laura, and as always, impressive shopping!!!
Great job! I'm drooling over all that cheese...I rarely can get more than a block or two every couple of weeks (that is for a cheap price).
I also like your new format. I've been playing around with doing something a little more like that with my weekly spending summary posts too and now you've inspired me to really consider it even more!
Hi Lydia,
I feel semi-guilty about the sweet cheese deal... but I just couldn't pass it up!
Out of curiosity, why did you pass up the two free loaves of bread you had coming to you? (Aunt Millies B1G2 deal...I got nine loaves, but I have a LOT of freezer space!)
Hi Theresa,
I didn't pass up the two free loaves, I selected a package of hot dog buns (for the J-Ville) and a package of hamburger buns (for sloppy Joes) instead! They were included in the B1G2...
How many transactions do you typically have during a shopping trip?
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