End of the Year CELEBRATION: Day 5
I am SO excited to spend the next TWO days celebrating YOU!
I sincerely believe that I have some of the most kind readers of any blog in the blog-o-sphere! I have LOVED spending the last year teaching coupon classes, blogging, bumping into many of you at local shopping venues, fielding questions- and all around talking SHOP with you! As much as I have enjoyed encouraging you along your journey to savvier savings, I have been just as encouraged! Thank you for the kind comments and emails, and especially the success stories that many of you have shared- they've definitely hit the spot!
It really tickles me to spend the next TWO days thanking you for a wonderful 2009 (1.1.10 is my one year blog-o-versary) by doling out $50 gift cards... because, lets be honest, gift cards are the best!
Each day you may enter to with the $50 gift card of the day! The winner of the $50 gift card will be announced the following morning (using Random.org) just before the following day's $50 gift card give away is announced!
Here's how to enter: (be sure to heighten your chances of winning by entering more than once!) *If you are reading this post in your email or through a feed reader, please leave your comments on this blog post instead of in my email! Thanks!
1. Sign up to become a FOLLOWER of Sharpen Your Scissors, this is the most sincere form of flattery to a blogger!
2. If you are already a Sharpen Your Scissors FOLLOWER than flaunt your follower status and share how long you've been following Sharpen Your Scissors!
3. For each friend/family member/co-worker/neighbor that you recruit to become a FOLLOWER of Sharpen Your Scissors you will receive another entry to win!
(Make sure to enter separately!!!)
4. Share with me your FAVORITE tip that you've learned exclusively at Sharpen Your Scissors!
5. Link this page to your blog, Facebook page or Tweet about this give away! (I'm @mrsdavewebber on Twitter!) Then let me know that you've put out your broadcast!
***All WINNERS will have 24 hours to contact me, or I will select another winner... All gift cards will be mailed out 1/2/10!
by NOON tomorrow 12/31/09!
only been following a couple days, but have been frequenting your blog for a few months!
i loved your chicken stock/broth tutorial, it was your post the first time i looked at your blog, now i'm hooked! it was such a great idea...done it a few times now and have been asking myself, why i didn't think of it earlier!
I'm a follower.
My favorite tip is when I went to your class I learned: When there is a five in the beginning of a series of numbers at the bottom of the coupon it doubles anyway. Even if it says do not double. If there is a nine it does not double. The other thing I learned is charity with the rain catchers. We can do something to impact others in a profound way.
I am a follower - have been for months
I have been following for about 6 months!
In your coupon class, I finally figured out the trick to rolling coupons at Walgreens - and when NOT to do it so you get another RR! Thank you!
I have been a follower since I attended your class on 3/21/2009.
My favorite tip from class was about Meijer Mealbox coupons. My favorite tip from your blog was when the dishwasher soap coupon was going to be in the paper so I could snag multiple copies.
I just put a link to your giveaway on my blog that was finally restored this morning after being deleted for 15 days!
I've been a follower since I went to your class this past summer.
The best tip I took from your class was to acquire multiple Sunday papers, so I can have coupons for each person in the house. I've really been able to stock up on items that we use daily.
I'm a follower!
I am a follower.
I have been a follower of your blog since I took your class at Sarah's house this past year! LOVE IT!
I love your tips...they certainly save my family LOTs of money! Thanks for the help!
I am totally hooked on your chicken broth recipe. I do it all the time now. It is so simple and a great way to have healthy broth on hand.
i am a follower!
I have learned so much from the tuesday tutorials, LOVE them!
I tweeted!
Following since august :)
My favorite tip is the idea of stockpiling all together. I almost freaked out yesterday thinking I ran out of ketchup but I had a bottle in the back of pantry and I know I got it for $1!
I'm a loyal follower!
Your chicken broth tutorial has changed my life!
OK, it's just changed the way I deal with chickens and chicken broth, but it is awesome nevertheless! Thanks for sharing it with us.
I've been following/stalking you for about four months now. :)
Your muffin tutorial was wonderful. I plan on making them today. So simple and easy. :) I am very excited.
I have been a follower since last spring!!
I learned how t roll my RR at Walgreens. I invested about $10 and rolled it for over two months. Got a ton of stuff!!
I love the tutorials and tips you provide on your website. Thanks for all the help with my grocery budget. Lori @ canolel@charter.net
I have been a follower for about 6 months!! :) Thanks for all the great tips!
My Favorite tip from your class was stacking the meijer mealbox with the regular manufacturers coupons. :)
I just love you site and have been a follower since Sept 09.
I am a follower :)
I'm a follower!
Hmmmmm....one thing I have learned exclusively at sharpenyourscissors is how to be polite but firm with Target :) I called corporate a few weeks ago from my cell phone in honor of you (and won!)!!!! :)
While I love all your tutorials my fav. so far has been the chicken/stock trick! Thanks!
The best trick I learned is a very obvious one, but so helpful...to wait for a sale and stockpile! Why did I not think of this before???
Hi Laura! I must admit, I've been gleeming insights from you for a while. I've been meaning to thank you for your Chicken Chili recipe for quite some time now. Thanks! We make it often! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
Sheila LaBreche
Faithful follower!
I really liked the tutorial on making chicken broth. I still have some frozen and the chicken was grear for a casserole I made. I will definitely do that more often.
I have been a follower for several months. I love your blog!
A favorite tip from your blog is using Meijer mealbox coupons to maximize my savings.
We LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog!!! THANK YOU for blessing our family!!!
I learned how to make YUMMY cranberry relish. It was a hit at Thanksgiving!
I have been following for a few months now and am hooked!
My favorite tip is to shop at Meijer in the evenings (8-9pm) when the crowds are less and they put out the clearance produce cart AND they drop the price on the all the deli lunch meat! I love it, those tips alone have saved me TONS of money!!!
I also linked this page on my blog. Thanks so much!
I am a follower since September 09! :)
I have been following your tips since my daughter introduced me to it.
I've been a follower for a couple of months now.
I'm a follower!
I'm a follower!
I just add myself to Google follower yet I follow your blog/post by subscription for a while.
FAVORITE tip that I learned here is to shop on sale and stockpile for good price.
Linked to Facebook.
Faithful follower since April!
Favorite tip to save money... If an item is on sale B1G1 and you have a B1G1 coupon- you get two for free!!!
I'm a follower!! My favorite tip I've learned from you is homemade stock!
Faithful follower/stalker. :-)
It's really tough for me to narrow it down to one favorite tip from SYS...probably the posts about the reduced produce cart at Meijer.
I've been an avid follower for two months now, and have been loving it! Thanks for introducing me to your blogging buddies too - lots of great resources!
I've got some time off the next few days, so I'm going to try some of your recipes. I'm looking forward to the croutons : ) Thanks for always having new things to help us out!
I'm a follower for a couple of months now.
I *just* subscribed to your RSS feed :)
I learned a casserole recipe that involves potato chips!
What is not to love?
I've been a follower for about 3 months now.
I'm a follower!!
I like how I've learned to use the Meijer mealbox coupons in addition to manufactures coupons and sale items. Very crafty.......!
Found you through Macomb Money Savers a few weeks back, and now I'm a follower!
I have been reading your blog for a few months but just became a follower!!
I posted about your giveaways on my Facebook.
I love love love your Tuturial Tuesdays, especially the chicken stock tip. It is so simple, affordable and tasty.
I really like all of your Thought Provoking Thursdays. I always learn (or think about) something that I didn't know before. I think my favorite so far was from 11/12/09 about using too much of something. I haven't been using as much toothpaste, dish soap, body wash and laundry soap and the smaller amount is working just as good as the larger amount! It's fantastic because its another way to save money!
I'm a follower. Have been reading for months and months.
My favorite tip is learning about the Kroger in Howell that doubles coupons up to $1. I never would have known ... and it's not too far out of my way to make a trip every other month.
I have been a follower for sometime now.
One of my favorite tips that I learned from you and your blog is that you can use a MF with a Store coupon, what a savings!
I blogged on FB
I have been following with my wife for a while now, and just signed up a couple months ago
One of the best tips we learned was that we can use Store coupons with MF coupons.
I've been following your blog since this past summer.
I learned from your class that you can reverse coupon. If you leave a coupon at home, you can get them to credit you for that coupon purchase on your next visit to the store. no more double trips or Oh I missed that deal!
My favorite tip from class is just how to effectively organize my coupons so that I know where to find them when I need them....
my favorite tip-put cream soup in with shepherd's pie, i usually only put in tomato...it makes a world of difference
i've been staking for a while but became a follower yesterday
I've been looking for awhile but became an official follower. (thought I already was, but yeah for another entry for the giftcard!)
My favorite thing you've given me is the realization that sometimes, because I get things so inexpensive or free, that I can tend to be wasteful. It has helped me check myself lately! Thanks!
Just updated on twitter!
Among a lot of other things, I learned that you can stack Meijer Meal Box coupons with MF coupons from your blog. Thanks!
I'm a follower!
Been following for awhile....attended a coupon class and have been saving $$$ for about 4 months!!! I love being thrifty and having the extra $$$ in my wallet!!! Thanks!!
Been following since summer.
I'd have to say the secret language of coupons... 5 codes will double automatically!
I posted your giveaway on my facebook page.
Following since May! :)
My favorite tip was the one about double BOGO...it happens rarely, but when it does... ka-CHING! :)
My favorite tip was the one about double BOGO...it happens rarely, but when it does... ka-CHING! :)
Hi Laura,
I'm a loyal follower! Love your blog.
Ok, my absolute favorite tip I've learned (and I've learned a lot) is about scanning my CVS card in the store's scanner when I enter. I've earned several $5 off coupons that way...awesome tip!
I'm a follower!
My favorite tips are all the cooking demonstrations! I'm a terrible cook, so "seeing" someone do it helps alot!
My favorite thing I have learned is how to start a stockpile.
I am a follower! Thanks for the great giveaways!
I learned how to find out where I could donate in this area. Some struggling families LOVE you for this!
Im follower!
I've learned to use most of my coupons with sales! I get so many things for free...yay!
I'm a follower:)
I love your chicken stock and the idea of stockpiling has helped me save $$.
I am a follower and have been for several months! I love this blog!!
I *heart* SYS!!!
Jessica M.
I'm a proud follower!
I have to say, like others, that I loved your chicken stock tutorial. And I'm also looking forward to making your homemade salad dressing. (Can you believe it's been months and I still haven't tried it? Sad!) I do really like your practical how-to posts!
I am a follower
I also tweeted! (http://twitter.com/laceyrumley/status/7219279098)
love the chicken broth...making some right now, learned that here
I'm a follower and have been for several months now.
I've been a follower for a few months.
posting it again on facebook... hope I win!
I love that I first learned about Raincatchers on this blog!
I've been a follower since I took one of your coupon classes last spring.
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