Monday, December 28, 2009

Drug Store Deals: December 27th Weekly Edition

THANK YOU Coupon Crazy Chrys for your drug store deal-ing coupon match-ups!

Drug store deals for this week:

WOW! Coke 2L for $.67 + deposit when you purchase 3 & $.79 Dawn dish soap!!!

I heart inexpensive Revlon cosmetics!!!

Rite Aid:
Hmmm, I like the Olay deals this week... especially with the rebate!

Chrys is a local Detroit blogger who is a master of spending very little out of pocket at CVS, Walgreen's and Rite Aid- and she has graciously allowed me to link her drug store coupon match-ups with you each Monday... WOO HOO, thanks Chrys!!! Coupon Crazy Chrys is now available along my right hand sidebar!