Sunday Survey
I was just visiting my friend Lacey's blog, and she was flaunting her $200 worth of groceries for $75- and she posed this question:
How do you normally grocery shop? Once a week? Bi-weekly? Several times per week? Do you have a favorite time of day? Or favorite day of the week to shop?
For me personally, I like to grocery shop on Tuesday mornings. Mondays I consider my personal day- I'd rather ease into me week with laundry done and a clean house rather than start my week with running around! (Monday night is also "Date night" - not that we always go out, we just spend our evening hours intentionally between Dave and I) I love feeling like I can count on Mondays as the most calm (and enjoyable) day in my week! And I think that it is important to set boundaries to keep our family's sanity in check!
Tuesday morning the grocery shelves are well stocked and I rarely don't find what I need!
Don't hate me... my husband does all of the main grocery shopping and usually takes our daughter with him. I am not sure how that started, but I love it! I send him with coupons and instructions. Then I will go with the kids on Tuesday or Wednesday after Hiller's releases their new flier if we need anything else.
Hate you? You are brilliant! Hmmm, Dave and I need to have a little chat tonight! (OK, Dave may hate you... just kidding:))
Honestly, there is no method to my madness. If the deals are great I may go 3 times a week. Ho Hum deals, I might not make it there for weeks. Having a stockpile really keeps the pressure off.
We have tried the once a week shopping on a certain day, and it just never worked. I typically try to do it all in one day, however, if there are appts, or running out of time for whatever reason then I will head back out another day. I have been doing it all in the AM me an Isabel head out as soon as she is done eating. This is becoming an issue though, she is not wanting to sit still anymore, and I need to spend Q time with her w/o running all day.
I am trying to work on a new plan, but I do for see multiple trips regardless. Hitting a store in the beginning and end of the week to maximize my spending on the sales and all.
Oh and When Mike is able, mostly in winter lay off months, he goes shopping with me. He tends to keep me leveled.
Now as for a date night, we need to work on that as well. Mike and I seldom do anything or get time together alone. Heck we hardly do much as a family either. We need to get our game night back in play.
Well in the chaos and insanity of life with 4 kids and a husband that is working his tail off...I shop whenever the mood hits. Could be at 11 at night (with no helpers!) or Saturday morning with everyone (only because it was a Super Meijer Saurday;) I haven't got the scheduling thing down in 10 years so by the seat of my pants must be working here!!LOL!
I love reading everyone's responsesl.
For my normal Kroger shopping, I go on a weeknight, what ever night my husband happens to have off of work, after the kids go to bed. Normally after 8.
It's not crowded and I can take my time.
When Meijer has a good deal going on, I go during my lunch at work.
Being the obsessive newbie couponer that I am still building up my stockpile mine right now is several times a week. Friday is my main day I work full-time and I scan the blogs for the deals and work on organizing my coupons during the week. Then on Friday's I hit Kroger (right now while there is no snow by my job in Grand Blanc that doubles up to up to $1), then Meijer's and or VGs. Depending on deals if Meijer's and Kroger are scant I may hit VGs, Target or Wal-Mart but on average those are only once a month. Then throughout the week I hit CVS and Walgreen's deals.
I wish I had a method to my madness. I typically go out shopping when I notice the contents of the fridge getting low. And if I see that you posted a great deal Laura, I'll run out and get it. I do want to set a day each week to get it done and then vow not to go out for the rest of the week. I think that would help with spending less money too.
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