OK, the truth is I only went to Target and JoAnn's, and I spent very little... BUT I enjoyed the shopping FRENZY like none other!!!
How'd you fare? Did you spend any coupons? I did at JoAnn's!
OK, the truth is I only went to Target and JoAnn's, and I spent very little... BUT I enjoyed the shopping FRENZY like none other!!!
How'd you fare? Did you spend any coupons? I did at JoAnn's!
Posted by Laura Webber at Friday, November 27, 2009
Labels: On a Personal Note...
I got up at 3 a.m. because I had a sinus headache. I took some medicine and then planned to lay down for just 1/2 hour but alas, I overslept and didn't get up until 5:30 a.m. I went to Target and Kohl's, and thanks to Dave Ramsey, didn't spend a dime on myself! ~ LOL ~ You know the gig, one gift for you, one for me. I too spent very little at Target and only bought my Angel Tree gift at Kohl's. But I do have my CVS & Walgreen's list ready. There are deals to be made with coupons!! Yea!
I went to kohls and got my new pans and bought my daughter bedding in the wrong size!! I was so mad when I noticed it after my nap. :) Luckily I didn't need anything this year, since we've been done since September. I'll be going out later with my hubby for our anniversary. So I'm hoping to get gloves sinece I nearly got frostbite waiting outside today. lol Enjoy your day.
We went for our first time ever. Got to Walmart about 2ish, and there was crowd control, police, you name it, and if the item wasn't a ticketed item you could not form a line, "keep moving" will be in my dreams. At any rate, it was a mess, 2 lines formed for what we were there for, mgmt picked our line, because the first 4 pple (me included) were there first. Ya for the fact that they paid attention to that. However, a lady cut, in front and ppl noticed, there was yelling, and mgmt made her move. They knew who was there and who wasn't.
Needless to say we got the one item we went for, and put all else back because we couldn't pay for it in electronics, and the lines for crazy.
I do not think we will do this again.
I did great at Kohls - had an additional 15% off coupon and got Kohls Cash on things that I will be getting a rebate for - reciept said I saved $450 - spent $240 - $40 in KC and will mail in $65 in rebates - so $135 ish there! A few things at Target $4 movies for stockings and gift exchanges!
I went to Meijer and Walmart and stayed under my $300 budget. I didn't have to witness any chaos or long waits as we didn't even leave the house till 6. We don't do the big ticket items on BF and it's far less stress.
I did use a few Qs... Meijer had their revlon makeup 1/2 off and I found some mascara (really needed some!) marked down to $4.84. The half off didn't ring up and cashier said it was because it was clearanced. Mentioned it didn't exclude clearance items in the ad so I got 4 for $2.42 ea, minus $2 revlon Q= 42 cent mascara! Gave 2 Qs to my brothers GF too. She was stoked about cheap mascara :)
This was my first time ever shopping on Black Friday. I didn't go out til 9. I hit Target, Dunhams, Kohls, and Kroger and only bought 2 gallons of milk and some worchestershire sauce (for chex mix). The parking was not as bad as I thought it would be, the crowds in electronics were nuts, the few things I had seen in the ads that I might have wanted were sold out (not surprising after 9am). So, I'm not sure I would do it again. Maybe earlier next year with a good list and a friend--it was no fun shoppping alone.
I usualy shop alone and just talk to the other 'crazies' in line!
I went shopping with ldholmes! I got gifts to donate to an Adopt-A-Family and some stocking stuffers at Meijer. I did end up buying myself a new popcorn popper at Kohl's. I found lots of cheap Blue Ray DVD's for my father in law at Target!
The best part of the day was lunch at PF Changs where there had FREE Lettuce Wraps between 10-12!
BTW- I'm enjoying all the rebates on Liquor right now because of the holidays- makes for easy gift exhange gifts!!
I've never shopped BF either and didn't think I would be able to this year because my hubby was scheduled to fly out west at 6 this morning! My dad, the superstar, arrived at my house at 5:45 this morning so I could go...gotta love him!
I went to Meijer, Target, Kohls and Toys R Us. I did as you suggested, Laura, and asked at Meijer for the tv I was looking for (a 19" for my husband's study...a GREAT deal), since I didn't see any on the shelves. I asked the right person because she had a couple behind the counter and told me I could pay for it up front instead of waiting in the crazy-long line in electronics! I then went to Target and asked the first Target Associate I saw in electronics (so crazy!) and he helped me find all but one of the items I wanted (the other was sold out by then). I was so excited!
I then went out to breakfast with my mom and niece, then went to Kohls and Toys R Us, where I bought a couple small items. My youngest son's shopping is almost done and my oldest is about 1/2 done. My shopping for my husband is done! It was a super day! I'm happy because I only bought things on my list, and they were cheaper than I've seen them. I went alone, and was happy to do that because I went where I wanted, when I wanted...the freedom was refreshing!
(My husband had bought me a giftcard to Starbucks a while back and gave it to me this morning...so I had my yummy mocha, too!).
I got great deals at Gymboree... 30% off entire store before 12pm. Many clearance items were already 40%, plus I had a coupon for an additional 20% my entire purchase! :)
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