Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Grocery Shopping at Kroger

Grocery Total: $26.08
Spent: $7.72 & Saved: $18.36

I LOVE when Kroger runs the cereal and milk promotions!

I had found (4) HN Cheerios coupons in boxes of Ziploc's that I had previously purchased, so I was thrilled to use them in conjunction of the sale!

I also picked up a coupon for saving $1.25/3 Philly cream cheese bricks when I was shopping at Meijer this week (near the Ziploc's display)- and since it was a Manufacturer's coupon, I was able to spend the coupon at Kroger this week since Philly is on sale for $.99 each!


Benjamin & Lillian

I am a follower - Novi, Michigan

Mom to Alexa, Elyse and *Audrey*

Thanks for the heads up about the honey nut cheerio coupons...went back and looked in my last ziploc purchases and there they were :)