Friday, August 21, 2009

What Do I Do With All of My Stuff?

My cup(boards) overfloweth... Honestly!

My savvy shopping skills allow me to find creative ways to to share with others. I often purchase an excessive amount of products that our family consumes, like toothpaste, diapers, cleaning supplies and even groceries just to be able to share. I also enjoy bringing home items that I have 'purchased' for FREE- just to be able to find a good home for these items.

Here are places that I have found that have happily accepted my overflow:

1. I have connected with a local food pantry who helps families in need. I am able to share health care, hygiene items and groceries with the food pantry. *To find a pantry in your area visit

2. I have assembled a significant amount of Jello (50 boxes) and added a Jello mold, and then donated to package to a non-profit for a silent auction.

3. I have been able to collect hygiene items for a church drive.

4. I have been able to connect with struggling families in my own neighborhood by finding their asks for help on

5. I have been able to help friends who are finding it difficult to make ends meet during our tough economic times.

6. I have been able to help alleviate financial burdens for several college students.

7. I have been able to 'love on' family and friends by purchasing their favorite items (like a favorite shampoo/conditioner) or sharing our families goodies with them.

Stockpiling allows me to care for my family well, plus it allows me to easily be able to give. When an opportunity arises, I am prepared with the means to be able to be generous. I am really excited to see how the influence of generosity will impact my son's life as he continues to grow up.



I just had my mom "shop" in my basement on Saturday. She was happy to take home toothpaste, body soap, and shampoo. And I was able to help her out. :)

Laura Webber

Feels good, right?

Darian Bonnell

Seriously, can you have ANY MORE toothpaste? :)

Laura Webber

Yep... that's one of my favorite items to donate!