Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Don't Forget...

This Saturday you and your little cloth shopping bags are ALL MINE!!!


Come and shop along with me and bring your friends along too!

If you have yet to hear about Super Kroger, it is one of the very few Kroger's that double coupons up to $1 every day!!! Super Kroger does have a few rules- so I'll quickly get those out of the way:

1. You must bring your coupon box with you... no planning just shopping! (Well, you can try to plan ahead if you'd like to, but I never do! The deals are everywhere!)

2. You may ONLY use up to three identical coupons (purchasing 3 products). Previously SK allowed more than one transaction per person, but unfortunately that is a thing of the past!

3. You must wear PINK (OK, this is optional) so that we Sharpen Your Scissors coupon clipping friends can recognize one another...

4. You must be ready to shop kindly... no grabbing, fist fighting or the like! (Just kidding, all of that is unnecessary) But do feel free to share your extra (or nearly expiring) coupons with other shoppers!

I will plan on shopping from 9am - 11 am, will you join me?

SUPER Kroger: 108 W. Highland Rd., Howell MI 48843(517) 552-0126

Let's get our shop on together!Drop me a comment if you'll be there, and make sure to say "Hi" to me in the store!!! I LOVE SUPER Krogering!!!

PS: If you really don't own anything pink, you have 3 more shopping days to find something :)!!!