Monday, May 25, 2009

Super Kroger

Grocery Total: $268.35
Spent: $17.99 & Saved: $249.36
93% SAVED!!!!
149 coupons
69 FREE items!

Wow ladies, it was so much fun to shop beside so many of you this morning! Thanks for the awesome shopping trip!

As I was checking out, a store manager commented on how savvy a shopper I was with my stack of a million and five coupons. chuckled and said that I was shopping among friends this morning. She grinned and said that she was expecting us... she said that she was warned that a "coupon nerd herd" was planning to bombard the store this morning. She even said that the her "spy" had read this info on a blog! I smirked and let her know that it was MY blog... well, we are now best friends as she enjoyed the publicity for her store and I enjoyed the publicity of my blog!

I definitely think we need to shop together again!!!



Wow! You did great!! I was one of your followers this morning. I was really curious how you did! Great to see the photo! I had a 77% trip. Spent 43.88 and saved 149.03. Not too bad but anxious to get into the 80 - 90% range.

Karen - from Howell

Laura Webber

Yay! You should be proud of your trip as well!

Becky C

Are those bags of David's sunflower seeds in the front left of the picture? My husband and son love those when my son is playing baseball, but I've never seen a coupon for them.

Laura Webber

I was sent a coupon in the mail... contact the company!

Becky C

Thanks! I checked their website and printed a coupon.

Mom to Alexa, Elyse and *Audrey*

That is hysterical Laura...I LOVE that I am part of a "nerd herd"!!!! Thanks again for the invite...I had a great time at Super Kroger and I officially think I'm hooked! Oh yah...and I save A LOT of money! :)

Laura Webber

Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay!