Angel Soft is the NEW Cottonelle
Spent: $4.79 & Saved: $35.29
28 coupons used (7 were doubled)
14 FREE items
I made a mad dash into Kroger this morning! I was excited to find that the Angel Soft toilet paper coupon was for the 4 package rolls- on sale 10/$10! I laughed out loud when I saw the 12 double rolls package ***ON SALE*** for $8.49... for 24 rolls~~~ I "bought" 28 rolls for NOTHING!!!! I heart coupons!!!!
Also, there are two unadvertised sales that I wanted to hit... the travel packs of Huggies wipes are 10/$10 and I used the $1 off any Huggies bath or body coupon and the $.75 off Huggies wipes- scoring 14 packages for $1.75, or less then the regular price of one package! I have no idea how we go through these so fast! I just love them!
I totally forgot to bring my Barilla pasta coupons with me- but Barilla boxes are on sale 4/$3 so you may even be able to score a bit of coupon overage!
***REMEMBER, if your stores are out of these products just ask for a rain check!
I always wondered how you got the travel packs of Huggies wipes for free. Thanks for sharing, now I know what coupon to use.
This is just my second time... sorry for not posting sooner!
Laura - Is the count on the travel wipes high enough to use the 75 cent coupon from this past Sunday's paper???
Well, the cashier said it was OK... so I spent it!
Okay, so now I'm even MORE confused!!!! I went to Kroger this morning and the 75 cent coupon worked even though the count wasn't high enough, but the cashier wouldn't let me use the $1 coupon because she said it didn't qualify as a bath and body item. Is that the discretion of the cashier? Should I go back and try again? Help!
I just got off of the phone with a Kimberly-Clark customer service rep and she said if the coupon scans and is accepted by the store there is no problem.
You are awesome! I'm going to go try again! I think part of the problem was when she scanned it, it beeped at her like it didn't work. But maybe I'll try the non-u-scan this time and see if it accepts it. THANKS LAURA!
I am confused....are you using both the 1.00 and the .75 coupon for one item? I thought kroger allowed only one manufactures coupon per item? Could you explain this to me.
Thank you, terry
Hi Terri,
Nope, only one coupons is used per item purchased. The $.75 and the $1 coupon are both being spent- so two packages are $.25.
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