Happy Coupon Anniversary
I actually visited the Mecca of all good things clipped from the newspaper...
Dave drove me down to the World Headquarters of The Detroit Free
Press to pick up a few more papers for tonight's class... FYI I will never do that again!
But this week celebrates my 1 year anniversary of hard core coupon usage!!!
Because I have tracked my spending and saving over the 8 months I know for a fact that I have received $12,000 in FREE groceries and household items... spending a mere $2,300! Woo Hoo!
My new shopping strategy has allowed me to give and share and share and give... and it feels incredible!
Yesterday I stopped to reflect on how awesome it has been to be able to have the opportunity to teach so many people my shopping skills! Over the course of the last year I have had 101 "students."
I'm really looking forward to continuing my efforts in teaching families to be more aware of their spending and how to significantly cut their grocery/household bills.
And an extra special heartfelt THANK YOU to those of you who have made donations on behalf of Raincatchers- your donation has/will make an incredible impact in the lives of Haitian families!
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