Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Want-A-Peek Wednesday

Grocery Total: $46.76
Spent: $20.22
Saved: $26.54

Items purchased with coupons:
KEY: MFC= Manufacturer's coupon, MBC= Meijer Mealbox coupon, IP= Internet printable coupon.

Tropicana (FREE item coupons), Malt-o-Meal cereal (MBC), Daisy sour cream (IP), Domino sugar (IP) and Yoplait (MFC). WOW, its a great week for fruit!



Did you notice your strawberries have a peelie coupon on top? :) I was so excited when I saw the coupon yesterday on mine because I was buying cool whip anyways!

Laura Webber

Yep, I did see that! It makes the strawberries FREE if you purchase cool whip! How much is Cool Whip anyways?


Laura -- THANK YOU so much for inspiring me to save money. I've got our budget to $400/month for our family of 6 BIG eaters...that's 2 adults, 2 teen boys, a preteen boy and girl. Where mother Hubbard's cupboards were emtpy at week's end about 6 months ago, I have food to GIVE AWAY, a week's end NOW! Six months ago, I was spending $600-700/month. Thank you for helping me use God's resources widely.


I bought a big container (16oz I think), and it was on sale for 2/$4.

Laura Webber

Hi Marilyn,
YOU did all of the work, but I am SO HAPPY to hear of your great success!!!

Sara, thanks for the pricing! My husband LOVES that stuff!